Salesforce: APEX : Exception handling and custom user defined exceptions
Exception : Exception is an error which occurs at program run time,
Always prepare your code for any unexpected error,
Examples: predefined salesforce exceptions : System.MathException , System.NullPointerException ( explore more )
A) You tried to refer a null object during run time
Account act = null;
System.debug(act.Name); // System.NullPointerException
B) Tried to divide Integer by Zero
Integer i= 1/0; // System.MathException
//VisualforceException e
Mainly there are three keywords related to exception handling :
try, catch, finally
// try block: where developer expect run time error
// try block
System.debug('we are in try block');
String name = null;
Integer i = name.length();
catch(Exception e){
// catch block: this is block where developer catch the error and handles accordingly
System.debug('we are in catch block');
// finally block: this is block which gets executed after previous steps
// executes always even if no exception thrown
System.debug('we are in finally block');
//if you read debug log it will be as following
USER_DEBUG|[3]|DEBUG|we are in try block
EXCEPTION_THROWN|[5]|System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object
USER_DEBUG|[8]|DEBUG|we are in catch block
USER_DEBUG|[11]|DEBUG|we are in finally block
How to define your own custom exception with your own error message?
public class CustomExceptionTest{
// define custom exception
class ClassOverFlowException extends Exception{
override public String getMessage(){
return 'Class is over filled with Students, no more students';
// extending custom exception class for Exception must end with "Exception"
//else you get Compile Error: Invalid type
// declare custom exception variable
ClassOverFlowException clsOverFlwException = null;
public CustomExceptionTest(){
// create object
clsOverFlwException = new ClassOverFlowException();
Integer studentsLimit = 5; // define some custom limit for error condition
List<String> studentNames = new String[]{'Rob','Bob','Tom','Kim'}; // define custom student names list
public Boolean addStudent(String newStudentName){ // perform add operation
Boolean isOpsSuccesful = false;
// check if list size
if(studentNames.size() >= studentsLimit) // if true // student list exceeding limit then
throw clsOverFlwException; // throw error
isOpsSuccesful = true;
catch(Exception e){
isOpsSuccesful = false;
System.debug('we are in catch block');
System.debug('Ops successful');
System.debug('Ops failed, ');
return isOpsSuccesful ;
//execute following
CustomExceptionTest a = new CustomExceptionTest();
//current list size id 4 ('Rob','Bob','Tom','Kim') and limit is 5 so we are good
a.addStudent('John'); // success
//current list size id 5 and limit is 5 so we are not good
a.addStudent('Mac'); // failure with message "Class is over filled with Students, no more students"
Always prepare your code for any unexpected error,
Examples: predefined salesforce exceptions : System.MathException , System.NullPointerException ( explore more )
A) You tried to refer a null object during run time
Account act = null;
System.debug(act.Name); // System.NullPointerException
B) Tried to divide Integer by Zero
Integer i= 1/0; // System.MathException
//VisualforceException e
Mainly there are three keywords related to exception handling :
try, catch, finally
// try block: where developer expect run time error
// try block
System.debug('we are in try block');
String name = null;
Integer i = name.length();
catch(Exception e){
// catch block: this is block where developer catch the error and handles accordingly
System.debug('we are in catch block');
// finally block: this is block which gets executed after previous steps
// executes always even if no exception thrown
System.debug('we are in finally block');
//if you read debug log it will be as following
USER_DEBUG|[3]|DEBUG|we are in try block
EXCEPTION_THROWN|[5]|System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object
USER_DEBUG|[8]|DEBUG|we are in catch block
USER_DEBUG|[11]|DEBUG|we are in finally block
How to define your own custom exception with your own error message?
public class CustomExceptionTest{
// define custom exception
class ClassOverFlowException extends Exception{
override public String getMessage(){
return 'Class is over filled with Students, no more students';
// extending custom exception class for Exception must end with "Exception"
//else you get Compile Error: Invalid type
// declare custom exception variable
ClassOverFlowException clsOverFlwException = null;
public CustomExceptionTest(){
// create object
clsOverFlwException = new ClassOverFlowException();
Integer studentsLimit = 5; // define some custom limit for error condition
List<String> studentNames = new String[]{'Rob','Bob','Tom','Kim'}; // define custom student names list
public Boolean addStudent(String newStudentName){ // perform add operation
Boolean isOpsSuccesful = false;
// check if list size
if(studentNames.size() >= studentsLimit) // if true // student list exceeding limit then
throw clsOverFlwException; // throw error
isOpsSuccesful = true;
catch(Exception e){
isOpsSuccesful = false;
System.debug('we are in catch block');
System.debug('Ops successful');
System.debug('Ops failed, ');
return isOpsSuccesful ;
//execute following
CustomExceptionTest a = new CustomExceptionTest();
//current list size id 4 ('Rob','Bob','Tom','Kim') and limit is 5 so we are good
a.addStudent('John'); // success
//current list size id 5 and limit is 5 so we are not good
a.addStudent('Mac'); // failure with message "Class is over filled with Students, no more students"
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